Check back often to follow us on our Kehler Trailer adventure!

Faith never knows where it is being led, but it knows and loves the One who is leading.
-Oswald Chambers

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Avenue of the Giants, Redwood Forest, CA

After leaving San Francisco, we headed north along Highway 101. We ventured off along the Avenue of the Giants and stopped to see the famous Chandelier Tree...the one vehicles can drive through. Just not an F-350 with a trailer in tow behind it! We watched others drive through and then settled for a photo with us standing in the opening.

That night we stayed at a nice RV park called Dean's Creek RV. It was a beautiful spot along the river with a pool, mini golf, a big open field for playing games and right next door an acreage with horses. Amy got her fill of picking grass to feed to the horses...including a new foal too.

A corn dog moment in the trailer...not healthy but very yummy!

Amy with one of the horses at the neighboring acreage.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have visited some interesting and beautiful places. I was just thinking about you and wondering when you're back in must be soon.

    We are all doing well. We just had a nice break away from the kids and went to Kicking Horse. A great retreat!

    Look forward to hearing from you. Janet Saik


About Me

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mike, Melanie, Braden & Amy