Check back often to follow us on our Kehler Trailer adventure!

Faith never knows where it is being led, but it knows and loves the One who is leading.
-Oswald Chambers

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Feeding the dolphins at Sea World...wonderful experience and, in Amy's words, "they're not slimy"
Up close and personal when "Shamu" was being fed.

Watching them do an ultrasound of one of the female orcas.... fascinating! All-in-all, a great day at Sea World. Only complaint...froze half to death because we got soaked on the rapids ride and the Atlantis log ride...but it was worth it!
The donations from Mountain Springs Calvary Chapel in the Foundation for His Ministry warehouse in San Clemente, CA. What a blessing to be able to bring these gifts from Canada!!!
Dropping off the donations at Foundation for His Ministry warehouse.

Visiting with Mike's Uncle Terry and Aunt Irene in San Bernardino, CA. We "camped" in their side yard on Wednesday night...took some doing to get our big rig backed through their yard gate, but we did it. Woke up to the smell of English lavender and the sound of birds and summer....ahhhh.....

Spent our first night in Great Falls, MT and the second night in Salt Lake City, UT...both nights at Super Walmarts. Definitely the way to camp when all you are doing is sleeping and then continuing on again.
Just one of the incredible views along the road south of Salt Lake City.

On March 18 at 8:30 pm, Braden and Amy tested for their black belt in TaeKwonDo. Master Kim did the testing and Miss Tracey assisted. Braden and Amy both passed!!! Congratulations!!

About Me

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mike, Melanie, Braden & Amy