Check back often to follow us on our Kehler Trailer adventure!

Faith never knows where it is being led, but it knows and loves the One who is leading.
-Oswald Chambers

Monday, April 5, 2010


Yesterday, Easter Sunday at 3:40 pm, we experienced our first earthquake. The quake struck about 110 miles south and south-east of Tijuana which is about 40 miles from San Diego. It measured 7.2. We are praying for the people of Mexico where the quake struck. We still have no news on the orphanage but it is approximately the same distance from where the quake struck as we are so we assume that nothing serious happened. At first, we thought the kids were pushing on the trailer but as the quake increased, I went outside and realized what was happening. The tremors felt here were enough to shake the trailer off its stabilizer jacks but nothing more than that. Braden and Amy were in the pool at the campground when it happened and said that the quake made waves in the pool big enough to slosh two feet out around the edge. This is one Easter we won't forget!

Happy belated Easter everyone! He is RISEN!!!

1 comment:

  1. We're glad to hear you are fine. The first earthquake is something you won't forget. Great job on the blog. We're looking forward to following your adventure. Blessings! Los Benslers


About Me

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mike, Melanie, Braden & Amy