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Faith never knows where it is being led, but it knows and loves the One who is leading.
-Oswald Chambers

Monday, June 7, 2010

More San Fran...

We took in the San Francisco Exploratorium. It is like our Calgary Science Centre but has life science experiments too. We got to watch a scientist dissect a cow's eye and we did the tactile dome. The tactile dome is a maze in a geo-dome in the pitch dark. You have to climb up and down and around and find your way through the maze in complete darkness using only your sense of touch. I have to say, it was a very unnerving experience. Braden and Amy both backed out the first time in but we glad to have eventually worked up the courage to go through it. Once they went through once, the had overcome their fear of that utter darkness and went through several more times. Mike went through a bunch of times too but once through was enough for me!

No trip to San Francisco is complete without a trip to the Ghirardelli chocolate factory. We all enjoyed seeing how they make their chocolate...from the roasting of the beans right through to the yummy sauce that went on our hot chocolate sundaes.

We went to Mile Rock Beach to check out the tide pools. Braden found this nice little crab...and a bunch smaller than this one too. The beach is named for the light house that used to be standing in the ocean at this point. When we walked down the path to this beach, the tide was out but it was too foggy to see all the ship wrecks near the beach. On the walk back, the tide was in so the wrecks were too far below the water to see them.

At mile rock beach.

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mike, Melanie, Braden & Amy