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Faith never knows where it is being led, but it knows and loves the One who is leading.
-Oswald Chambers

Monday, April 5, 2010

On Thursday afternoon, Mike and I went with the leader from YWAM, Asher, to visit a family. This lady, her husband and her children recently moved into this house which was built as a joint venture between YWAM and IDT. The whole house is about 12 feet by 14 feet. It has a cement floor with wood walls. It has a counter in the kitchen but no running water. There is no no outhouse. They have to walk down the block to use the outhouse at her father-in-law's. Below is a photo of the house they lived in before. The door is made of cardboard, as is the roof. They then strapped this tarp over the cardboard to keep them dry. The floor was dirt and they had one double mattress that was on the floor for all four of them to sleep on. After visiting this family, we went to her father-in-law's home. The house was not much bigger, was wood construction but still had a dirt floor, no water, etc. In that house lived the parents, two of their daughters who have three children each. They all sleep in one bedroom with two beds. Another of the daughters, her husband and their children live in a lean-to attached to the outside of the parents house. Asher is in the process of trying to get a new house for the parents similar to the one in the previous photo that belongs to his son and family. This family are christian and love the Lord. The joy they have despite their circumstance was very humbling.

The staff working at the orphanage live in donated trailers. Many of them would have been condemned long ago by our standards and yet they joyfully live in them and serve at the orphanage. I helped clean two of them so that new staff could move into them. This particular trailer was vacated quickly by a gal and she had left quite a few items behind. This is a photo of me taking the items over to the donation warehouse where they will get distributed to the needy.
This is the snack shack. Amy and Sarah, from a work group from Bonnyville, AB wait patiently for the shack to open.
This was the little princess that I played with the entire time we were at the migrant workers camp. She was about 4 years old (many of the children don't know their birthdays) and just a sweet heart. It was SO hard to let her go at the end of the evening....would have loved to bring her home with me!

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mike, Melanie, Braden & Amy