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Faith never knows where it is being led, but it knows and loves the One who is leading.
-Oswald Chambers

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Samuelson Christmas, Part Two

Rone is 3 1/2 now...what a handsome young man! He's all decked out to go to Theatre Calgary's production of A Christmas Carol. All of us (with the exception of baby Kye) went to the matinee on Boxing Day.

Nana got an ipod Nano...she'll enjoy it on her trip to the Dominican in February!

Ryan and baby Kye...who turned one on November 8th! He's growing up too!

Auntie Kim and Rone.

Kehler Christmas

We spent a little bit of time on Christmas day with mom and dad Kehler too. It is such a blessing to have them here with us all year. We celebrated and early Christmas with Dan and Aimee and the kids when they were in Calgary in November...and an even earlier Christmas with Gerry and Lisa and the kids when we visited them in Houston in October.

Samuelson Christmas

"Yeah", says Amy. "Just what I've always wanted...chicken!"

Surprise! Pottery wheel classes! Yeah for real!

Diggin' in with gusto!

He wasn't that surprised but still very happy!

Nana joined us for Christmas too.

Christmas 2010

Braden made this stool for me in his shop class at school. What a wonderful gift!

A game for Christmas Eve...Sequence.

Getting ready for Christmas

On December 16 Braden had his first High School Christmas Dinner and Dance. He sure is growing up fast!

Texting his "date" for the night.

The night before, on December 15, my friend Sherry Krahn and her husband drove to Calgary from Swift Current so Sherry and I could go to the Michael W. Smith Christmas Concert with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. It was an amazing concert with an amazing friend! Thanks Sherry! Love you!

Mike and I at our church Christmas Banquet. Love you too sweetie....

Mike's first belt test at TaeKwonDo

On November 26 Mike took his first TaeKwonDo belt test. He passed and received his yellow stripe. Braden is taking a year off hockey and Mike decided to take TaeKwonDo with him so they could still do a sport together.

Fun at the Park

Auntie Aimee is excited to be at the park!

Amy with her friend, Rochelle. Two beautiful girls.

Dan and Aimee's visit in November

In November Dan and Aimee and the kids came for a 10 day visit. We celebrated Jaelyn's 8th birthday and had an early Christmas with them. Aunt Bertha came over for dinner too.

Chelsea snuggled up watching her movie.

Mike and Mom Kehler having a good chuckle.

Braden and Wesley

Fall shots with the dogs

Dekker at 5 the Bow River

A beautiful walk along the river.

Dekker's prepping for camping in Summer of '11

Little Bear...almost 8 years old now.

Mike loves Dekker....Sunday afternoon snuggle!

Phantom of the Soap Opera

In November our pastor put together a murder mystery dinner theatre (he used to be an actor before becoming a pastor). It was called Phantom of the Soap Opera which was held at the Arrata Opera Centre in Calgary. I made my acting debut as Paris Ditze! It was a great time of food and the benefit of a masquerade ball and murder mystery all in one night! Our friend Ken is an accomplished pianist and he plays the pipe organ too. His Phantom rendition made the evening complete!!

Credit for this photo goes to my friend, Jenn Roach who is a professional photographer. Check out her website at to see more of her work.

Me with my dear friends Theresa (far left) and Jackie.

Some of the cast of Phantom of the Soap Opera

Making home-made pasta sauce

My friend, Cherie and I made up 65 lbs of tomatoes again this fall. Thank you Nanny Krahn for your yummy sauce recipe...this is our third year of making the sauce and we all love it!

Cutting onions requires special goggles keep away the "onion fumes" so I don't cry as much!

The fresh ingredients before cooking....

Calgary Corn Maze

Right before the kids started school, we made a trip south east of Calgary to the Calgary Corn Maze. We had a great family day working our way through the maze, jumping and shooting the corn cob canons.

They had this giant spider web that you hooked yourself too with a carabeener and then had to make your way over and under the ropes to get to the end.

Amy had fun catching herself a "fly"!

The most fun for everyone was the bouncing pillows...we spent hours jumping on these.

About Me

My photo
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mike, Melanie, Braden & Amy